- Afterward, two important agreements, Meech Lake Accord and Charlottetown Accord, were made, however, they either failed to get ratified or were rejected.
1984年上台的联邦总理马尔罗尼为解决宪法危机,先后同各省达成《米契湖协议》和《夏洛特城协议》,但两协议由于马尼托巴和纽芬兰省的反对和1992年全民公决的不利结果而相继失败。 - The failure of Meech Lake Accord made western regionalists among Conservatives break away from the core Tory and participate in the Reform Party that became the second party in 1993 federal election.
由于两个政党的兴起极大地削弱了保守党的选民基础,保守党在1993年联邦大选中惨败,在议会的席位只列第五位,在野的自由党大获全胜从而上台执政,魁北克集团和改革党分别成为议会第二和第三大政党。 - This mandate was defeated however, in the years following, the unsuccessful attempts to ratify the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords did nothing to silence the Quebec pro-sovereignty movement.
马不了解胡所领导的是以什麽为本的国家,权力来源、正当性何在? - Meech, Samuel Evans
宓治文 - Samuel Evans Meech
宓治文(1846-1937),英国人,来华传教士。 返回 Meech