- steal a glance at 偷看
- steal a kiss from sb 偷吻某人
- steal a painting 偷走一幅画
- steal a sight of 偷看
- steal information 盗窃情报
- steal money 偷钱
- steal sb 's heart 巧妙地博得某人的欢心
- steal accidentally 意外偷窃
- steal angrily 愤怒地偷窃
- steal bravely 大胆地偷窃
- steal casually 漫不经心地偷窃
- steal cautiously 小心翼翼地偷偷行动
- steal consistently 一致地偷窃
- steal constantly 不断地偷窃
- steal covertly 偷偷摸摸地偷窃
- steal cunningly 巧妙地偷窃
- steal daringly 大胆地偷窃
- steal deliberately 有意地偷窃
- steal desperately 不顾一切地偷窃
- steal discreetly 谨慎地偷
- steal episodically 偶尔偷窃
- steal eventually 最终偷窃
- steal extemporaneously 临时偷窃
- steal finally 最终偷窃
- steal frequently 不断地偷窃
- steal furtively 偷偷摸摸地行动
- steal hastily 急速地偷窃
- steal heartlessly 无意地偷窃
- steal hideously 令人惊骇地偷窃
- steal instinctively 本能地偷窃
- steal involuntarily 不由自主地偷窃
- steal noiselessly 悄悄地偷窃
- steal purposely 有目的地偷窃
- steal rapidly 迅速偷窃
- steal reluctantly 不情愿地偷窃
- steal resolutely 果断地偷窃
- steal satisfactorily 满意地偷窃
- steal simultaneously 同时偷窃
- steal slyly 狡猾地偷窃
- steal softly 轻轻地溜出
- steal speedily 快速地偷窃
- steal successfully 成功地偷窃
- steal symbolically 象征性地偷窃
- steal unanimously 一致偷窃
- steal very slowly 缓慢偷窃
- steal victoriously 成功地偷窃
- steal along 悄悄地前进
- steal away (把某物)偷走;溜掉
- steal by 悄然流逝
- steal in 溜进来
- steal out 溜出去
- steal round 偷偷地绕到后门
- steal up 不知不觉地来到,开始
- steal at 偷偷看某人一眼
- steal from the house 溜出房子
- steal from the rich 偷取富人的财物
- steal into one 's heart 渐渐进入心里
- steal into room 偷偷溜进房间
- steal out of the room 溜出房间
- steal over the valley 悄悄地笼罩了山谷
- steal to the door 悄悄走到门口
- Steal Enchentment 移除敌军所有有用咒语
- steal ride 偷乘车
- Steal work 那小伙在输钱后去偷工;可人家不偷工
- underarm steal 手下偷球
- to steal 扒窃;行窃;偷去
- intracerebral steal 脑内盗血;脑内窃血
- steal over (感情等)渐渐控制…;渐渐弥漫;悄悄地呈现;不知不觉地袭来 返回 steal