- 尺蛾科
- Of or belonging to the Geometridae.
尺蠖蛾科的,属于尺蠖蛾科的 - Son muy parecidos a los Geometridae, pero sus orugas no "caminan" como estas, lo que las diferencia.
听听听听听 Sus miembros poseen las alas superiores acabadas en forma de gancho o garfio. - Any of various moths of the family Geometridae,having caterpillars commonly known as measuring worms that move by looping the body in alternate contractions and expansions.
尺蠖蛾,任何尺蠖蛾科的蛾,通常称为尺蠖,通过身体交替的收缩和伸展来伸屈前进。 - Any of various moths of the family Geometridae, having caterpillars commonly known as measuring worms that move by looping the body in alternate contractions and expansions.
尺蠖蛾任何尺蠖蛾科的蛾,通常称为尺蠖,通过身体交替的收缩和伸展来伸屈前进 - A total of 445 species belonging to 24 families was collected, among which Noctuidae and Geometridae are dominant groups and 13 species are common to every forest zone.