相关单词近義詞 oppress 使煩惱, harass 使疲乏, badger 獾, hound 獵狗, pursue 追求, maltreat 虐待, hunt 狩獵, single out 挑選, discriminate against 歧眡, bully 欺淩弱小者, pester 糾纏, hassle 睏難, bother 煩擾, bait 餌, annoy 使惱怒, irritate 激怒, molest 騷擾, harm 危害, torment 苦痛, torture 拷問, antagonize 使…對抗, wrong 錯誤的臨近詞persecution, pers, persecute a religion, persecute minorities, persecuted minorities, persecuted by mosquitoes, persecute sb. to death, persecute sB. with questions 返回 persecutes